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  1. Layton? Ignatieff? Does either man have the punch to rule Opposition if Harper wins majority? | C..
  2. This is a large poll, last night, Libs down in GTA as well
  3. Why has Liberal Leader Michael Igantieff failed to resonate with voters? - Yahoo! News
  4. Backroom politics bedrock of upcoming televised debates - Yahoo! News
  5. Harper's disciplined campaign lacks enthusiasm for the electoral fight so far - Yahoo! News
  6. Canadians oppose corporate tax cuts and new fighter jets, says elxn poll. GTA unhappy gov ethics via @addthis
  7. Coalition government 'perfectly legitimate,' say constitutional and Parliamentary experts | The Hill Times via @addthis
  8. @natnewswatch @stevenchase Hilarioius, thanks Steve!
  9. @stephen_taylor Ok, though I am smiling. I see Coyne has dropped it. Next thing is, real issues.
  10. @stephen_taylor House agreed as comment with report. Gov or H not legally or const. not found in contempt. Politics at that point, not law.
  11. @stephen_taylor Laughing, I like you Steve, I regret I didn't talk when I saw you budget night in RR cmttee room. I was busy. finish in sec.
  12. @markblevis wow. I thought this today. Turnout this election may be best in 10 years!
  13. @stephen_taylor your folks know what I mean. It's ends of needles and angels. Had it gone to the privilege vote, result would be same.
  14. @stephen_taylor The only legal finding could have come through the privilege stream. There was no vote.
  15. @stphnmaher i thought you were going to Hfx. Other people have said it is confusing..
  16. @althiaraj wow, not the bus thing again. but the summer express recovered, that's wierd.
  17. @RobertFife quick turnaround, and CBC was saying no one in Toronto today..that's more like it.
  18. @CPCSoudas yay. you didn't have to explain the sibiling thing. what was the score..and I dare you to name the losing team..
  19. @kady ha ha. they're not ready for you!
  20. @stephen_taylor it gave an opinion, non-confidence is the constitutional element there. citation is separate stream, through Speaker.