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  1. @stilljunebug unfortunately it was heavy on cat calling and political wrangling, and very, very light on dialogue and fact.
  2. @stone1a we do pretty good. Always room to improve but we beat many other provinces in development, with no taxpayer debt.
  3. @stone1a we have no limit on wind produced, costs sharing on load, and the gov buys 90% of its electricity from renewables.
  4. @stone1a Govt doesn't invest in oil or wind. Private sector does, if its economical. AB will B largest wind Prov again in 2013.
  5. @stone1a you need to be more specific. U said energy. I assumed you meant gas or oil.
  6. @stone1a na$e the government waste you would like cut and I'm on it.
  7. @stone1a other provinces may have cheaper electricity, but its hidden in crown corps with huge debt. One way or the other taxpayers pay.
  8. @CommonSenseSoc hmmm, still all comes from the same taxpayer. I will check into that.
  9. @CommonSenseSoc sorry, I have to admit I'm not aware of that . . . We charge cops for a plate run?
  10. @stone1a what do you suggest we do about rising energy costs? The world demand goes up. Prices go up. How about we decrease use?
  11. @stone1a user fees reflect cost, which isn't just the plastic, its the salaries. You are welcome to work for free to lower costs.
  12. I am going to call an end to this work day and head home now (2hr drive) and listen to Tim McGraw's, 'Let It Go' for a bit on the way.
  13. @rogervanharen it was good to meet you too. We should make time to chat again soon. I'm glad you were there.
  14. In Eckville awaiting the start of the debate. Should be very, very interesting.
  15. @Jon_Tupper will do!
  16. @Jon_Tupper what table are you at Jon? I want to stop by and say howdy if that's ok?
  17. Ok folks, I'm done work 4 the day. Taking the rest of today off, and the weekend, 2 celebrate our anniversary. @griffsrock luv u babe!
  18. @kat_szabs its at the Community Center in Marshall. Not hard to find at all.
  19. @kat_szabs no prob. After is fine
  20. @kat_szabs may be at the RM office. It shouldn't be too tough to locate. I will let you know if I get more details.