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  1. No hunting for eggs here, but the Coffee Bunny made an appearance... ♥ Happy Easter to all!
  2. @kbleggett You too Karen - enjoy St. Andrews!
  3. @tweepwife Thank you, and same to you, Gary and the family. Sounds like dinner was a many ways.
  4. @tweepwife @kbleggett That'll be quite a day! Tweet me when you get to the airport... Would love to see you!
  5. @Foodthought He was one of the first tv chefs I watched...besides Yan and Pasquale.
  6. @tweepwife @kbleggett Is she on the direct Heathrow flight?? Best Easter present Mary!
  7. Agreed! Sleep well. RT @kbleggett: Well saw that coming #habs night folks
  8. Make that 3-0. RT @tsnjamesduthie: 1-0 LA by the way.
  9. Holy crap that was close! #Habs
  10. @SobbeeI hear ya. If I ever see extra teeny ones, I'll pick them up for you.
  11. @Sobbee Ummm, how about gloves? Not glamorous but better for your hands - especially with your situation.
  12. Hmmm this is getting interesting! #HabsvsBruins
  13. @Sobbee Ouchie! Be careful with that...wouldn't want it to get infected...
  14. @Sobbee Let me know how it turns out
  15. @Sobbee Olive oil??
  16. @kinkadedesign That one's worth watching any time of the year!
  17. @kellidaisy @MrsLoulou Exactly!!! I was in your neck of the woods today - I usually don't go that far east.
  18. @kellidaisy @MrsLoulou I opened some tonight for a nice dinner with DH...he decided he didn't want any. Damn! :-)
  19. @MrsLoulou @kellidaisy Thank goodness! Happy Easter to you both!
  20. And champagne??? RT @kellidaisy: And a lot of wine makes it fabulous:) RT @MrsLoulou: Wine makes everything better, damn it. :)