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  1. @shawndna I know. missing a night just gives me more moticvation for the next day actually
  2. @shawndna I felt like hell last night after sitting around all evening. Mondays are bad tho...always very tired at then end of them
  3. @shawndna I am sad to say I caved last night and stayed on my couch. not tonite though
  4. @shawndna although it's easier said than done...somwetimes easier to just stay on the couch
  5. @KiltedBroker Ranch by far
  6. @inthetunnel VERY good
  7. @C_Forrest I'm with you on that one...
  8. @C_Forrest this is so cool though isn't it? I just can't wait
  9. I got 10 new followers today already..and awesome followers at that...I'm so happy!
  10. @C_Forrest might be hard to get used to but I'm willing to give it a shot
  11. @DREAISLUV @BBullock30 Weird is one thing...scary is another tho & in airports sometimes its hard to distinguish
  12. @BBullock30 I fly home through there when we come back from hawaii. i've only been there once before tho...interesting place
  13. @C_Forrest and no more trains behind us....even better!
  14. @C_Forrest Isn't that so exciting!!!!!
  15. @BBullock30 I'm sure you will. Which airport are you in?
  16. @BBullock30 I shouldn't laugh but it's funny! although been there & done that & it's not so funny when its you goign through it
  17. @BBullock30 They are all over airports aren't they?
  18. I was just's beautiful out and it's only supposed to get better! AND WE ARE GETTING A STADIUM!!! I'm so excited
  19. @WireFans @D_Lombardozzi Absoluely AWESOME show!
  20. @MayorFiacco this is why you are THE Mayor...Wow...very impressive!