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  1. Ignatieff in Winnipeg making announcement on a fresh water strategy, #cv11 #elxn41
  2. @GonzoWannabe yep, i corrected myself in a later tweet about NWT
  3. CPC candidate in NWT is Sandy Lee, health minister there, like Aglukkaq was health min in Nunavut. And my bad NWT=NDP not Lib #cv11
  4. Health is the number one spending priority, Harper says #cv11 #elxn41
  5. Harper gives shout out to Health Min.Leona Aglukkaq, Nunavut MP, says she's made a big diff+he hopes for same thing in NWT (Lib seat) #cv11
  6. Stephen Harper is up in Yellowknife, taking questions from reporters now - asked what he is doing for people in the North #cv11 #elxn41
  7. I don't share this pessimism that some people have that support doesn't translate into seats, Layton says #cv11 #elxn41
  8. Jack Layton is taking questions from reporters now in Quebec City #cv11 #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  9. Today's photo caption challenge, put on your creative hats people: #cv11 #elxn41
  10. Guergis says Harper made a mistake and should just admit it, that if this can all happen to an MP it can happen to anyone #cv11 #elxn41
  11. oops...try that again...Guergis says Harper's behaviour is unacceptable and he has to be held accountable for it #cv11 #elxn41
  12. Guergis says Harper
  13. Guergis is live on CBC right now and she's not holding back #cv11 #elxn41
  14. ..he said he was critical of her performance as a minister, wasn't calling for her res.becuz of allegations
  15. @bcbluecon I wasn't at the Ig.scrum, was watching the feed, but yep, he was asked about how he was so hard on her too+as i tweeted earlier..
  16. We're making a significant contribution in Libya and will make no further commitments during #elxn41 #cv11