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  1. Going live in 5 minutes on @Celebuzz #Darrencrisslivestream ... WeeeEeEeeeee!!!!!
  2. Today I am doing the Today Show, which is weird cuz I did the Tomorrow Show just yesterday.
  3. her sssoooouuullll slides awayyyyy but don't look back in anger, don't look back in anger I heard ya say!!!!! #thankyousomuchoasis
  4. Feelin so pumped blastin the entirety of What's The Story Morning Glory at 3am, en route to Coachella with @iharryshum @chordoverstreet
  5. @POMPLAMOOSE also let me say, although years after the fact- but merci beaucoup pour one of my absolute favorite cuts of La Vie en Rose!
  6. CRAP. It's @POMPLAMOOSE not PAMPlamoose. I've always screwed that up. I hope their massive amounts of other fans don't kill me. Go bay area!
  7. Derp. Just made a video playlist of YouTube favorites, I said Auto-Tune The News #3, but I meant #5... Sorry #3, I'm into the next prime #
  8. Yay Freelance Whales! "Hannah" has just been added to the VH1 Top 20 countdown! Vote to keep 'em there! Go Chuck!
  9. Flubbed some lines from 'raise your glass' tonight, but so happy to be supporting @thegleeproject that I'm just gonna have to not care :)
  10. Had a great night chillin & playin music with the Warblers. Honestly some of the best voices I've ever heard- guys, quit makin me look bad!
  11. You know you've made it when the main discussion over one of your performances is whether or not you were drunk. #Iwasactuallysleepwalking
  12. @chriscolfer dude the monkeys want IN on the hovercrafts that's why they're busting loose. THAT'S the problem.
  13. Big day in Boston for my beautiful cousin Emily, congrats to her and her new husband Andrew on their wedding day! So happy I made it!
  14. Was fun spending St Patty's Day listening to the incredible live voices of @LukeEdgemon & @BrockStarbaker, who remind me what real talent is
  15. Guys the @checkoutpolice just got me. Foiled again by the checkout police! What if I need to leave a hotel properly? Man, I'm screwed!
  16. This crazy cat sounds exactly like me… It's like he stole my voice or something! Check out everyone's favorite LOLCAT at
  17. @msleamichele Girl, you absolutely CRUSHED your song. It gets better every time I listen to it- of course, I'm talkin about "Only Child" ;)
  18. @chriscolfer Looks like we finally did what everybody was waiting on for so long... A Hey Monday song! Boy, I sure hope people liked it!