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  1. Boys of McKinley High, there's this thing you should try called deodorant, you put it under your arms so you don't smell like German food.
  2. I'm not an upstanding member of society; I'm an OUTstanding one!
  3. Lauren Conrad is launching a beauty site and staking further claim to an entire career that should be mine.
  4. You know that if you turn out the lights and bite into a wintergreen lifesavers, chances are I'll be making out with you.
  5. I don't think brunettes should be allowed to ride in convertibles. Or vote.
  6. If my health insurance wants me to take preventative medicine, why the hell don’t they cover Botox?!
  7. They say blondes have more fun. I say they have more friends, better skin, and just flat-out better lives.
  8. .@britneyspears your new video is hot. From one MILF to another, will you please make a workout video already? It’s almost swimsuit season!
  9. ScarJo is dating Sean Penn?? That's like me going to prom with a sexy old catcher's mitt.
  10. Sometimes I feel like the world would be a better place if everyone were a little sexier. 
  11. Love Brit's new album but her hit ‘Hold it Against Me’ is a ripoff of my original songs ‘Fries With That Shake’ and ‘Are Those Space Pants?’
  12. K-Fed got another girl pregnant. Maury Povich should host a fertility competition show between K-Fed and Lil Wayne called “Daddy Max”. 
  13. Tiger Woods has a new 22-year old girlfriend. But his ex-wife has a new $12 million mansion #winning.
  14. Kiss me, I’m attractive. #StPatricksDay
  15. Detention after school. Apparently, it’s “overreacting” to punch a boy for being rude enough to wish me a happy “Fat Tuesday”.
  16. I hate winter. My scale and I aren’t speaking right now.
  17. Valentine’s Day is such a hassle when you’re pretty! #humblebrag
  18. Glad JWoww is an artist. Those giant cans of hers will make for quite a canvas.
  19. Don't let those haters at the razzies get you down, Jenny Aniston. You'll always have me as fan.
  20. Secretly missing the days when I could eat funnel cake for breakfast.