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  1. Now Liberals are forcing local media into line ahead of national media who've already lined up.
  2. Soon, Iggy begins a media availability. Then media get some time to file stories before we fly off to Yarmouth.
  3. Iggy goes back to Red Door/Blue Door pitch. Follows up with "rise up" repeated 6 or 7 times.
  4. Iggy say 13 days is long enough to turn election around.
  5. Iggy telling local Grits in SJ to go after Consrvatives in area.
  6. Iggy making concerted effort to pump up candidate Stephen Chase in SJ. Tories defeated Grits in this riding in '08.
  7. Iggy will soon be speaking to Grits gathered at a waterfront bar in Saint John.
  8. Iggy tour now in Saint John.
  9. @vy2hf Ah, Saint John it is. Thanks for the clarification.
  10. Liberal camp'n heading to Toronto airport. Today takes us to St. John & Yarmouth, then we stay overnight in Montreal.
  11. And the rally is done. Time to "rise up" and go back to our hotel.
  12. Iggy says feds can talk to provs about paying for IBI but has no specific promise to make.
  13. Correction: IBI not IPI
  14. Iggy asked about IPI for kids w/autism.
  15. "If we care about equality of opportunity, everything is going to be alright," says Iggy at Brampton rally.
  16. Iggy backs faster visitor visa processing. No policy prescription, though.
  17. Iggy pleads w/lady not to spoil ballot.
  18. Lady adds she's ruled out Tories and Green since they didn't show up to a debate last night.
  19. Lady says she doesn't want to vote - doesn't like any choices on ballot in Brampton West.
  20. Iggy asked why Cda has intervened in Libya's civil war. A: To prevent massacre of civilians.