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  1. @writergurl19 I have! It's a lot different than 1921, but good too.
  2. @writergurl19 It sounds really strange but it is unbelievably good.
  3. @writergurl19 There's something called '1921 Tequila Cream', which is like Bailey's but tequila based instead of whiskey based...
  4. @writergurl19 Agreed. Bailey's is whiskey based, so I think it counts under my guidelines. :)
  5. @writergurl19 Bailey's is an acceptable substitute for Kahlua, IMO.
  6. @mishbennett ACK! Typo. You're right.
  7. The greatest wedding picture ever taken. Hannah and me, 2008.
  8. @scottfeschuk @JaysonMcEwen Bah.. everyone knows chocolate labs vote Green!
  9. @scottfeschuk That explains everything except the orange collar.
  10. @scottfeschuk Wow.. we have near identical dogs. Unless you stole my Robbie Burns!
  11. @policyzombie The world is supposed to end May 21, 2011. Also happens to be the day my wife is due.
  12. If people really believed this 'Tory Majority End-of-World' stuff, they'd have pushed way harder for a Lib/NDP/Green merger.
  13. @rgilroy Ahh, yes, the Siege of Tsingtao II, where my deadbeat roommate Dave kept stealing all of our beer.
  14. @mrchan True, though technically not in World War I. Don't get me started reading about other wars! :)
  15. And now thanks to @acoyne and @dgardner I've spent the last 15 minutes reading about the Siege of Tsingtao.
  16. I'm trying to figure out who the Greens and Bloc are in @dgardner's analogy. Belgium and Japan?
  17. . @dgardner's WWI analogy gives me an excuse to post a comic book-style explanation of WWI by a history student:
  18. @Chan_ing 2nd generation Canadian. (Wife's family is from Denmark) Thanks!