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  1. A safe prediction: If it's a Harper minority in May, we will see the biggest game of chicken in Canadian history.
  2. @glen_mcgregor : My God, the Sun's scoop just keeps on growing!
  3. Gee, it's almost as if criminal justice systems do not determine levels of crime.
  4. "I'm a uniter, not a divider."
  5. @oneilbrooke : Wrong war.
  6. @Wyndtunnel : Now I've just gone and tweeted my damned column I guess I won't bother. Thanks very much.
  7. @Wyndtunnel : Maybe, maybe not. We simply don't know. I do agree that Harper's history at least gives reasonable grounds for concern.
  8. @Wyndtunnel : It's a tough one. But you have to give Harper credit: his judicial picks to date have been above reproach.
  9. @Wyndtunnel : Damn. It was on The Current? Who was discussing it?
  10. Are you kidding? She's Margaret F***ing Atwood! RT @JoelWWood: @cselley @acoyne Wow! how does that get in a newspaper?
  11. @acoyne : Be fair. That was actually quite restrained compared to her 2008 effort.
  12. And I think if Pierre Poilievre wants to change the constitution, he should propose changing the constitution.
  13. @Wyndtunnel : Funny you mention that. I'm working on it right now.
  14. @nspector4 : Like the 51% who think we directly elect prime ministers?
  15. @B_hurdis True dat.
  16. Listening to talk radio listeners when the constitution is at issue is, frankly, frightening. Is civics even taught in high school anymore?
  17. Caller on CFRA: "I can't imagine how we'd be perceived internationally if we had a coalition." Most democracies have coalitions but hey...
  18. @charlesadler: Red alert! I need Stephanie to call me PDQ!