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  2. Great speech by Paul Martin here at campaign office! Everyone super excited to go out and door knock on this gorgeous day! #elxn41
  3. With Paul Martin in my campaign offfice #elxn41
  4. Paul Martin here. My 1st tweet - whatever it takes to re-elect Ujjal & make Michael the next PM! Canada needs them both. #lpc #elxn41
  5. On campaign trail in Van South w/ the Rt Hon Paul Martin. Handing him my phone for his 1st ever tweet #elxn41 #lpc
  6. Speaking on health care at a press conference in Vancouver South with Paul Martin and @M_Ignatieff
  7. Join former PM Paul Martin and I tomorrow at 2:00 at my campaign office & at 5:30 at Fraserview Hall. For info #elxn41
  8. Great turnout here at LPC booth on 49 Street. So many happy people enjoying the day here in Van South. Happy Vaisakhi everyone! #elxn41
  9. Happy Vaisakhi to all! Great reception at Ross Street Temple, now looking forward to some great festivities and food! #elxn41
  10. Hearing disturbing reports of violent sign damage tonight. seems deliberate -& desperate! I've always believed in peaceful politics #elxn41
  11. Go #Canucks Go! Vancouver *South* has some of the strongest canucks fans anywhere! #nhl
  12. @vinminhas We are the underdogs! but, I feel good about our campaign. Need all the help we can get here at the campaign office! #elxn41
  13. Lots of media this morning. Interviews going great! Looking forward to a busy day of campaigning. #elxn41
  14. We need to put families first. Family care, funding for students, support for child care, pensions for seniors #elxn41 #db8
  15. Liberals would put Canada back on the world stage #fed2011 #db8
  16. Watching debate with supporters in my campaign office #fed2011 #db8
  17. RT @CBCVancouver: Great line up @barbyaffe1 @ujjaldosanjh @libbydavies @mpjamesmoore live with Rex for a Vancouver @xcountrycheckup
  18. Had a great morning work out. Now I got to go to #5 Road Gurdwara to see some friends.
  19. out in the sun campaigning and appreciating all the support #elxn41
  20. Speaking to media about the deep Conservative cuts to family re-unification. We need a government that stands with new Canadians. #elxn41