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  1. The United States launched its first Predator drone strike in Libya on Saturday, the Defence Department said in a statement - Reuters
  2. Opposition groups say at least 40 people killed by #Syrian security forces during large demonstrations across the country
  3. Barack #Obama approves use of armed Predator drone aircraft in #Libya, US Defence Secretary Robert Gates says
  4. UK tourist catches and saves two-year-old girl who fell from fourth floor balcony of hotel in Orlando, Florida, police say
  5. Government issues '#smog alert' for weekend in England and Wales, for ozone and polluting particles known as PM10s
  6. UK retail sales unexpectedly grew last month, up 0.2% in March compared with the previous month official figures show
  7. Photographer Tim Hetherington of Vanity Fair was the first of two western journalists killed in #Misrata #Libya
  8. CORRECTION: One western journalist has been killed and three injured in a mortar attack in the city of #Misrata #Libya
  9. BBC can confirm one western journalist has been killed and three injured in a mortar attack in city of #Benghazi #libya
  10. Nick Clegg has called on political leaders, including David Cameron, to 'treat people like adults' during the AV referendum campaign
  11. The US will give #Libya rebels $25m (£15m) in non-lethal assistance, such as vehicles and medical supplies, AP reports
  12. Suspicious package addressed to Celtic FC director Brian Wilson on Isle of Lewis was a 'well-intentioned false alarm', BBC learns
  13. Police investigating suspicious package sent to former minister Brian Wilson, who is a director of Celtic FC, on island of Lewis
  14. French president promises Libyan rebel leader that France will intensify air strikes on Gaddafi forces
  15. British Bankers´ Association loses legal challenge over how banks handled complaints about selling of payment protection insurance
  16. Sending of parcel bombs to Celtic manager and other people in Scotland a 'despicable and cowardly' act, Strathclyde Police say
  17. UK mortgage lending rose steeply in March, up 21% compared with February lenders say
  18. #Syria lifts state of emergency after nearly half a century, Syrian state news agency reports
  19. Team of British military officers to advise opposition in #Libya on how to better protect civilians, Foreign Office says in statement
  20. London Fire Brigade says the fire which caused M1closure looks like it was started deliberately,case has been handed to Metropolitan Police