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  1. @markdjarvis no but I think it might be where a good segment for a show begins!
  2. @markdjarvis that strikes me as rather odd. Why would this be kept secret?
  3. @markdjarvis thanks! Is it public?
  4. Um unless he wins a majority.. "Such is the dilemma SH has created for himself. Assuming any politician feels constrained by logic"
  5. Such is the dilemma SH has created for himself. Assuming any politician feels constrained by logical consistency
  6. If it is so offensive for the GG to turn to Opp after his defeat, y would he not prevent it by asking for dissolution?
  7. If succesive elexn's are bad for the economy y would he ask GG for elexn 42 just weeks after elexn 41. On the other hand..
  8. So, if SH wins minority. Loses early conf. vote. Will he ask for dissolut'n' + thus elexn 42 or allow GG to turn to Opp?
  9. @glen_mcgregor u know what's really debatable is what happens if SH asks for dissolut'n after losing early conf vote. Does the GG grant it?
  10. Is SH saying he would ask for dissolution if he failed the earliest possible test of confidence of House? #elexn41
  11. @glen_mcgregor I am limited in my ability to comment on that but let simply say, that was not published in Science.
  12. @markdjarvis True.
  13. @glen_mcgregor but maybe not so far fetched This was published in the journal Science
  14. @markdjarvis but if the parties public statements disagree? Isn't the GG forced to make a decision,or wud he hold off till there's agreem't?
  15. @markdjarvis we do? I thought this is what Peter Rusell was wishing we had.
  16. @markdjarvis "role of GG in gov't formation process is to ASCERTAIN where the conf. of House lies, based on the parties' public statements"
  17. @markdjarvis I love this manual. Wouldn't it be nice if we had one!
  18. @markdjarvis from the NZ cab manual: Process of forming a gov't is political + the decision to form a gov't must be arrived @ by politic'ns
  19. @markdjarvis that's true from what I have read. But I tend to find Aus more persuasive and relevant b/c it is a geo-large federation.
  20. @markdjarvis there are many ways the Australians have improved the Westminster system