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  1. We ALL stop using the phrase 'winning conditions' in #elxn41, unless we're talking about the Canucks #deadpmcoalitiondemands
  2. In my day, we called them Calgary yazoos RT @Chris Quines @OlBonfire Mr. Bennett, you don't even know what a thunderstick is!
  3. All legitimate questions about the coalition shall be drowned out by partisan hissing and thundersticks #deadpmcoalitiondemands
  4. I blame hearty fiddle head soup - had it for bkfast as a kid in Albert Cty RT @SirJSDThompson We look pretty good. @OlBonfire
  5. All socialist MPs will agree that THERE IS such a thing as a free lunch. Its often found in the Commons antechamber #deadpmcoalitiondemands
  6. Herridge just told me our #elxn41 campaign just went meta. I have no idea what that even means.
  7. Sovereigntists and Federalists? What's the French guy talking about? I thought #elxn41 was a fight between @ArthurMeighen and me
  8. I can't wait until I get my Tout Le Monde En Parle bounce. Herridge says I shld promote my cheese tariff to ensure the polls move #elxn41
  9. Whn Mansbridge intervus me, I'm going to wear my Cdn Radio Brdcasting Commission hoodie, just to remind him who created his universe #elxn41
  10. Herridge just told me Youppi is the socialist candidate in Jeanne-Le Ber. Now that's a socialist worthy of the LSR! #elxn41
  11. With all the hubbub about online polling, I shld mention that telegrams are pouring in 3:1 for #Bennettnation.Take that, socialists! #elxn41
  12. If Layton's cane is magical, Ignite-Yourself should wear an eye-patch. Imagine all the pirate party converts! #elxn41
  13. If the Socialists demand a Quebec cab minister as a result of their historic breakthrough, it has to be bon-homme #deadpmcoalitiondemands
  14. I'm in. Although I don't think they can arrest ghosts RT @CBCCanada 'Tweet-in' to flout Elections Canada blackout law
  15. CROP, and EKOS? Herridge tell me that when in QC for the rest of campaign, I'm to talk only about credit card fees. EN CAPS. #elxn41
  16. Talk about an Iron Heel RT @jenniferhollett Up to a $25K fine, or 5 yrs in prison, for tweeting about #elxn41 results.