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News sources and journalists on and off Parliament Hill.

  1. Toronto Star TorontoStar Bruins exorcise playoff demons, oust Canadiens in Game 7
  2. Toronto Star TorontoStar Layton second coming of Bob Rae, warns Harper
  3. Toronto Star TorontoStar Dismissed Tory insider reportedly 'furious' after Sun debacle
  4. Toronto Star TorontoStar Blue Jay hit parade not enough to beat Rangers
  5. Toronto Star TorontoStar Combative Ignatieff says Tories can 'go to hell'
  6. Huffington Post HuffingtonPost Gabrielle Giffords walks
  7. David Akin davidakin I suspect the Suns will endorse someone but our 50+ community papers can do as they please RT @thetaoofken: is the SUN endorsing anyone?
  8. ABC News ABC Child, Parents Confront Molestation
  9. Al Jazeera English AJEnglish Pakistani navy bus hit in Karachi: Casualties reported in Karachi blast, two days after four people were killed ...
  10. AidNews AidNews Nigeria: May Day – Labour Tasks Federal, State Govts On Job Creation
  11. AidNews AidNews Nigeria: Biosafety Bill May Fail, Say Scientists
  12. Lisan Jutras lisanjutras @InklessPW Thx
  13. The New York Times nytimes Mets 6, Nationals 3: Mets Lose an Argument but Win Their Sixth Straight
  14. Althia Raj althiaraj We just landed in Quebec City there is still snow here. Was 20C in Toronto.
  15. The New York Times nytimes In Trying to Debunk a Theory, the News Media Extended Its Life
  16. Rosemary Barton RosieBarton There may be or may not be 80s music and outfits on the NDP plane tonight. #elxn41
  17. kady o'malley kady Retreat now while you still have some dignity, O Junius! RT@globejunius: @acoyne I shall take this allegation up with Gerald Owen!"
  18. Paul Wells InklessPW @ShirleeEngel On the way down, Craig Oliver said, "It's all right, I lost so much on Nortel today I might as well die."
  19. Paul Wells InklessPW @ShirleeEngel In 2000 Chrétien's plane came in for a very steep emergency landing in Quebec City...
Cette liste a été créée par smithjoanna