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  1. Planned Parenthood is waiting for $6 million 2010 grant approval. They say never heard from Tories on 2009 $18-million 3-year grant request
  2. yes, the anglophones are taking over the plateau! RT @mikedesouza: A lot of anglos in cafe near mcgill
  3. Chipping at support in Quebec MT @mikedesouza: MI attacks jack layton for not supporting long gun registry #elxn41
  4. @kady Their first line. I think they are banging something out as we speak with full quotes.
  5. So what it is? :) (Kidding... ) RT @mikedesouza: Politics is not show business for ugly people, says MI #elxn41
  6. @mariejoelle You should be happy. You're in NYC !
  7. Colleagues at the Star Phoenix spoke to Trost today. He says he stands by his comments regarding Planned Parenthood.
  8. Jack Layton can be pretty funny. "To be fair Mr. Harper thinks an app is something you order before dinner."
  9. Planned Parenthood says 97.9% of its services are not abortion related. Most is family planning. 2/2 #elxn41
  10. @adamgoldenberg Happy Birthday!
  11. Planned Parenthood says it knows of Brad Trost's U.S.-style attemts to portray it as purely an abortion provider. #elxn41 1/2
  12. Planned Parenthood says its recent funding application doesn't include cash for abortion #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  13. The electoral situation in Que. is volatile, Ignatieff said. Quebeckers are "experimenting" he says about the NDP surge in the polls #elxn41
  14. Ignatieff says Dimitri should be fired MT @RobertFife: Dimitri Soudas denies anyone ever offered him money to influence appt to Mtl port.
  15. That is my position now, and in the last five years that has been my position (on Abortion), Harper says.
  16. RT @kady: Abortion "is not a priority" for this government. They have no plans to reopen the debate as long as he is prime minister. #elxn41
  17. My colleague @randyboswell 's on GG decision, That quote is from my invu w/ GG last Dec #elx41
  18. Liberals trusted less than NDP, Tories on health care: poll #cdnpoli #elxn41
  19. RT @danlindenas: RT @liberal_party: . @M_Ignatieff to speak to Canadians in 30min TV special about #LPC plan #elxn41