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  1. @M_Ignatieff, sorry about remark on day 1. No place in debate about ideas and values
  2. Gr8 turnout @ Pembroke Campaign Office this aft!
  3. Met Red Fri Lisa Miller in new Hart Store 2day - another Red Fri rally this May 6!
  4. Thanks to tax reductions for job creators Hart Stores have expanded into Pembroke! More new jobs!
  5. Pembroke now has a Hart!
  6. RT @kennyjason: All of the #CPC candidates in Vancouver proper are women, as are two thirds of the #CPC candidates in the Greater Van Region
  7. Congratulations to Don Goulet & Robin Arseneau for their awesome work fundraising to build the Bonnechere Manor auditorium!
  8. Great to see Len Stavenow's Valley Rent Rite Ltd display of work tools @ the Renfrew Home Show!
  9. Ernie Melcher's Heating & Cooling had a creative display of tin art @ Renfrew Home Show!
  10. Condolences to the friends and family on the loss of Cpl Yannick Scherrer who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the...
  11. The Renfrew & Area Chamber of Commerce held a splendid Home & Garden Show @ the Armories over the weekend!
  12. Fabulous breakfast spread by Sacred Heart League @ St. Hedwig's Barry's Bay!
  13. Canada's Minister of Finance LIVES his policy of fiscal restraint!
  14. Just saw Jim Flaherty walking home from his office in his budget day shoes
  15. Happy Birthday to Minister Yelich!
  16. Thanks to everyone who joined our Party Line last nite!
  17. @dorionhawk When the federal Conservatives form a majority govt.
  18. Additional $10M for New Horizons for Seniors Program if Budget 2011 passes!
  19. Hunters/sports shooters: @ $21M has been allocated to waive renewal fees for firearms licences IF Budget 2011 passes.
  20. $60M to help forestry companies venture into opportunities abroad if Budget 2011 passes!