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  1. In the spirit of #elxn41... this vehicle is full of something alright.
  2. I don't know what I ate, but I do know that no one wants to come to my office.
  3. @FarAndWide We're totally going to win more seats then there are seats. Sounds as accurate as CBC's vote compass.
  4. Overall good news, cements the NDP as 2nd in Saskatchewan. Poor 3rd (or 4th or 5th) place Liberals. #cdnpoli
  5. @kayayarai If you don't vote Conservative, Pankiw might win...
  6. @SusanFelicity All the better to hear you with. </wit>
  7. @darrenhill1 I thought the defining moment was when it was revealed that Ignatieff only showed up for 30% of the votes. Leadership is absent
  8. Updates coming through the WSUS today means I need to restart my machine. *sigh* this Lenovo Laptop is terribad. (gonna take like, an hour)
  9. The Best picture during the Campaign so far #cdnpoli #elxn41
  10. @JohnGormleyLive @CPAC_TV *sniff* I'm stuck in a meeting from 9-10:30, otherwise I'd have you on in a little window on my screen.
  11. @saskboy @linkndp One of those things that varies based on definition. Straight up votes in the HoC where Iggy didn't show OR abstained?
  12. @linkndp @saskboy Layton did well Link. His best zinger coming to Ignatieff only showing up for 30% of the votes in the HoC.
  13. @saskboy @ScottNichollsSK Now we just need to get everyone there vaccinated for HPV before the Kardashians show up.
  14. @iluvsmooches @WatsonRock102 I only guessed once, therefore, I can be wrong a maximum of 1 time :-)
  15. @iluvsmooches New haircut looks good.
  16. @natnewswatch The Liberals told me to spend my $100 on beer and popcorn, so I did. Thx Scott Reid.