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  1. RT "@stephen_taylor: Will Blue Grits vote Harper to stop Layton? WHAT THE HELL AM I EVEN WRITING? IS THIS REAL LIFE? #elxn41"
  2. LOL! RT "@scottfeschuk: BREAKING: MIchael Ignatieff's hip needs surgery too, Liberal strategists say as they hit it with a hammer."
  3. This is exciting! New times, new options! RT "@torontodan: @RobSilver New message: Vote Lib to stop NDP majority?"
  4. #Elxn41 #endgame is going to about #voterefficiency of #CPC, #NDP & #LPC. #GPC's was zero. #BQ was over 90%. #GOTV
  5. #Scandinavia's generous, open culture is slowly reshaping #Cdn & #US society #Wikileaks, #Mozilla, #PlentyofFish, #MineCraft #infotrepeneurs
  6. @jacklayton miffed Ontario Unions publicly telling members 2 "vote smart" 2 stop #CPC, not 2 just vote #NDP. That's solidarity 4 u! #elxn41
  7. Mayors whining 4 Fed $$$ r just advertising failure 2 get Prov Premiers 2 buck up. Read the Constitution! #onetaxpayer! #exln41 #FCM #CTF
  8. The West has voted #CPC & #NDP 4 debates. PMartin's huge push built a #LPC beach head, SDion & MIgnatieff have frittered it away. #exln41
  9. RT "@IvisonJ: Hearing #LPC have postponed June conv until Dec. Suggests to me it will be leadership conv, in event Iggy loses." #exln41
  10. RT "@LisaRaitt2011: According to @glen_mcgregor, conv wisdom is MI needs 90-100 seats or "knives come out""
  11. RT "@MacphersonGaz: 1st side 2 blame media loses. MT @TheHillTimes: Copps says media letting Harper off hook! #elxn41"
  12. Grumpy @globeandmail columnist @acoyne "wishes" @ElizabethMay wins. Ya, #Toronto endorsement go over big in #BC, esp on Vcr Isl! #elxn41
  13. RT "@brockm: It is not 1970s anymore & attempt 2 regress 2 Trudeau-era policy approach is never going to return #LPC to power." #exln41
  14. May won't, she shld've picked #Quadra (UBC) or #SFU or #UofT riding. No political savvy. @GerryNic: RT: "@acoyne: I hope Eliz May wins."
  15. Only 2 leaders are going to survive #elxn41: @pmharper & @jacklayton. @M_Ignatieff & @GillesDuceppe & @ElizabethMay will have to move on.
  16. He's back! Jacques Parizeau is recruited to jolt #BQ campaign. He desires a "weak Ottawa" which validates @pmharper's unity fears. #elxn41
  17. RT "@KVMarshall: "Elections Canada v Twitter" Ottawa Citizen picks up my piece: #roft #cdnpoli #elxn41"
  18. On Easter Sunday!? Ya, right. RT "@davidakin: #LPC says @M_Ignatieff's 30-min infomercial on Global/CITY today got 500k viewers" #exln41
  19. #elxn41 is complicated for #socialist, you have 4 choices: #LPC, #NDP, #GPC or #BQ. The most committed (NDP) is winning. #cdnpoli