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  1. @johnsgunn Worth a real debate. Not hysterical shrieking from both sides. IMHO.
  2. @ShireenJ You mean like CBCNN broadcasting results prematurely?
  3. @ShireenJ Well, Dion was his own worst enemy.
  4. @kinsellawarren @rosiebarton Still blacked out on the west coast.
  5. @johnsgunn I agree, that should be a public debate. Again, you don't eliminate the black market as long as the biggest user grp, teens can't
  6. @ShireenJ That's it? I have many more and worse instances than that and I still watch all sources incl. the newly criminal CBC.
  7. @johnsgunn sorry, to clarify, which drugs? all drugs? What about teens? The age use starts? We don't allow them tobacco or alcohol. Line?
  8. @ShireenJ which private citizen did the CTV mistreat?
  9. @johnsgunn I can't disagree. Have said that many times. Big question is where to draw the line. Have yet to hear response that makes sense.
  10. @ShireenJ Oh dear, your leftie slip is showing.
  11. @montesolberg When an arm of the gov't is openly mocked, you know the law is outdated and redundant. #elxn41
  12. @SunCivicLee I am seeing many creative ways to get around the outdated EC law. Has Twitter made the law redundant? #elxn41
  13. @mikeoncrime IMO opinion it has become an unenforceable law. The police aren't interested and EC doesn't have the resources to proscut all.
  14. @SunCivicLee Too late. Technically illegal results already being posted. #elxn41
  15. @ezralevant @davidakin Guess you may have left a copy behind :-)
  16. @ezralevant and on the shelf behind @davidakin on SNN a short while ago.
  17. The next one.
  18. An interesting bonus for the US is the treasure trove of info recovered from hard drives at UBL's home. Key to take apart terror network?
  19. @kady That rule refers to providing results B4 polls close elsewhere.