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  1. @MikePMoffatt Woah! What is with the personal ad hominem red herring straw man attack? Typical [insert political persuasion/music taste].
  2. @MikePMoffatt Why didn't you mention thumbs? You clearly don't know what you're talking about AT ALL. And you are probably biased.
  3. @MikePMoffatt Hey, if it isn't in the title or the first sentence fragment it clearly isn't in the study/article.
  4. @iancapstick Bah, CTV video never works on my computer. Hope someone puts it up on YouTube. He did well on the program, I thought.
  5. [new projection]: Liberals and NDP continue to make gains. #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  6. Before 9 AM was a bit optimistic, projection update now before 9:30 AM. Many new polls, several seat changes.
  7. I think Jack Layton just converted that Canada AM crowd! ... Working on the projection, update before 9 AM.
  8. @CorComm That would be fun - if only there was the time!
  9. I project that Tomas Plekanec is awesome!
  10. @dgardner Yeah, the rest has been a bit of a snorer.
  11. @dgardner For the most part there hasn't been much change, except in Quebec. NDP up at the expense of the Bloc, which is very new.
  12. @iancapstick @CorComm The track record of the online pollsters is comparable to the others in Canada. We'll see how they do this time.
  13. @brittneyrkerr @kady Nanos is but one poll - ThreeHundredEight aggregates all public polls. Projections are up-to-date as of this morning.
  14. @IPEdmonton Thanks for reading!
  15. @IPLF_rightnow Thanks!
  16. @lbp01 Yes, but they will add more weight to what has been a pretty recent development.
  17. Now five polls (Nanos, Abacus, Environics, Harris-Decima, and EKOS) to add to the projection tomorrow morning. Fun!
  18. @joelkveton Working on it now!
  19. @grahamdjenner Depends on the pollster. Many reach cell phones now,