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  1. @acoyne Maybe different if the PM came in with a strong new mandate. I will concede that seems a tad unlikely in Ignatieff's case.
  2. @acoyne Taking seriously the challenges would at some point require actually talking, no?
  3. @julespenner As I recall, people had a hard time getting past Dalton McGuinty telling them to raise hell. Heck, maybe.
  4. @stribe39 My piece was more about the strategy to date. 'Rise up' was the most recent example (albeit a particularly noticeable one).
  5. @julespenner Believe it or not, that was McGuinty's campaign song in his (unsuccessful) '99 campaign.
  6. @stribe39 It may motivate volunteers, etc., which does matter. But not sure about people who didn't vote last election...
  7. If you've not seen it, and want to, here's why I think Ignatieff's 'rise up' message is falling short. #elxn41
  8. I have no idea what the Burlington Welsh Men's Choir does the other 364 nights of the year. But long live this annual set with Jon Langford.
  9. @marcusbgee @RobSilver Dare we also dream of an escalator to nowhere? Though in its present form, the Sheppard subway kinda qualifies...
  10. Depressing but true: If you type "Ignatieff" into Google, one of the top suggestions is "Ignatieff iPod tax."
  11. @schizoidman I'm more of a Darkness person. But if he can somehow turn Rosalita into a song about Canada, I'm all ears.
  12. Here's hoping nobody gives Ignatieff a copy of Nebraska. That could make for a seriously depressing campaign event.
  13. @JeanAProulx Mekons forever, indeed.
  14. @bcbluecon You know they're running attack ads against Ignatieff, right?
  15. In which we give Jack Layton his due.
  16. "Make it greasy, make it dirty and make it hard." Someone really needs to tape Pierre McGuire and play it back to him, like Tobbias Funke.
  17. A long week. But now, an evening that will involve hockey, bacon and Jon Langford. Not all at the same time.
  18. Is it just me, or could these playoff games use a few more goals?