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  1. You know what we love to do on the weekends? Pedicures! Yes, all of us. Even the women.
  2. Next Week: @TheDailyShow begins theme weeks. Our first theme is "Reruns". Hope you enjoy!
  3. The best part about the weekend is the whole not working thing. Can't beat it.
  4. Remember when Bill O’Reilly said something helpful, measured, and dare we say it, principled? No? Watch this:
  5. Did Joe Biden REALLY fall asleep during @BarackObama’s #budget speech? Or was it all just a dream?
  6. #FollowTheStaff @roryalbanese, Executive Producer . Prairie legend has it, he killed a grizzly bear with a plastic spork.
  7. Bored? You could watch 3 episodes of TDS in 60 Seconds while you cook a 3-minute egg. Don’t think. Just do it!
  8. Ricky Gervais owes Jon an apology for being hilarious at the Golden Globes. #DailyShow
  9. John Oliver learns the secret to @dennis_kucinich's unlikely success with blue-collar voters in Ohio. #DailyShow
  10. Obama hurts Republicans with his tone, and Joe Biden takes in every detail of the president's speech. #DailyShow
  11. President Obama manages to talk about a tax hike as a spending reduction. #budget #DailyShow
  12. Get ready for The Daily Show morning dump!
  13. Tonight: What exactly makes @dennis_kucinich tick? John Oliver tries to figure it out. He has 60 seconds before he detonates!
  14. Tonight: Joe Biden's sleepiness makes for an entertaining vice president, but a terrible air traffic controller.
  15. Tonight: Obama unveils his plan to shrink the deficit, commissions Rick Moranis to invent some sort of "shrink ray". Sounds promising!
  16. Tonight: Obama outlines his #budget plan for 2012. First, we win the future. Then, we churn the butter and shave the cat. It’s very clear.