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  1. @boelectronic works great for us! are you getting an error? ^AC
  2. @kristibarrow thanks for helping us figure out where to find the Facebook status RSS feed. Have fun at Ad:Tech! ^AC
  3. How to post from Twitter to Facebook and vice-versa using Twitterfeed
  4. @jsource we won, right?!! ^AC
  5. @debjam ouch - sorry about that, what happened? ^AC
  6. @GeoffreyDorne yes, please do! we'd like to fix it ASAP. ^AC
  7. @GeoffreyDorne got it, can you give us an example of double posting recently? ^AC
  8. @GeoffreyDorne could you DM us the email address you're using to log in? ^AC
  9. @kwanlee sorry about that. what email address/twitter username are you using? ^AC
  10. Just a quick update, if you were having trouble publishing to your Facebook page, the issue should now be fixed. Email us if you can't! ^AC
  11. @theproweb simple, just DM us your Open ID URL and the email address you'd like to transfer to. :-) ^AC
  12. Feature Friday #4 (Halloween edition): Simplified sign up and an update on our Facebook issues
  13. @cstettler o noes. what happened?! ^AC
  14. @puR1t your feed takes forever to load... any way to make it faster?? :) ^AC
  15. @puR1t there's no RSS feed there... ^AC
  16. @puR1t sorry about that, what url are you trying to use? ^AC
  17. @mrintech Suggest it as an idea on and we can do it for feature friday! ^AC
  18. @tx_pi did it also let you set up url #2? if not, we have a better solution in place now. ^AC
  19. @stevebrush10 ok, go ahead and try now! ^AC
  20. @stevebrush10 sorry about that, we're working on a fix. ^AC