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  1. @klndk_rd_lryjnz Ottawa Centre.
  2. Went for a walk and realized all signs on public property for everyone other than CPC candidate had disappeared #ipca #elxn41 #democracyfail
  3. @juristblog Interesting point. No leader has gone to Calgary during this campaign - not even Harper #elxn41 #ipca
  4. Updated the @iPoliticsca Leader Tracker map. Layton goes to Duceppe's riding. Harper and Ignatieff go to same church- at diff. times.#elxn41
  5. The story behind the Las Vegas Sun's Pulitzer finalist series on hospital care. Editor Rob Curley's at the CAJ in May .
  6. @SebTheberge Out of curiousity, who broke it first?
  7. Layton takes his campaign into Duceppe's riding Saturday. Isn't there a protocol you don't campaign in other leaders ridings? #ipca #elxn41
  8. It's the economy...... New video by @iPoliticsca. #elxn41 #cv11 #cdnpoli
  9. Updated the @iPoliticsca Leader Tracker map. Guess which major Cdn city hasn't received a single visit? #elxn41 #cv11
  10. @LibArtsAndMinds @BrianMCarroll Lawrence''s column is great but was posted prematurely. I can send a link when its sorted out.
  11. @natnewswatch Lawrence's column was great. It was just posted prematurely.
  12. @MelissaLantsman Stockwell Day's receptions at Stornoway were dry. I think John Reynolds made up for that though. ;-)
  13. @MelissaLantsman Have you switched to the NDP from the CPC? Although there will probably be vegetarian options on the menu.
  14. @JohnParisella Great to hear from you. I know you like Politico. Have you had a chance to check out @ipoliticsca?
  15. @knurse30 Thanks for the feedback. I enjoy hearing the questions from listeners and what subjects they find important.
  16. Cool. Pulitzer prize goes for the first time to work that was published online, not in print. Congratulations to ProPublica #journalism #caj
  17. @DianneLG53 Yes it did.
  18. @InklessPW Isn't @CPCSoudas a key advisor on Quebec electoral strategy as well? Wonder what his take is on the poll numbers in Quebec?
  19. @gabrielbeland The Ekos poll is online now at
  20. Ekos poll for @ipoliticsca shows NDP has jumped into 1st place in Que 31% to 23.7% for Bloc, 20.6% Libs and 16.9% CPC