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  1. On the Pride Parade issue, Trost turned out to be correct. Ablonczy punished, $$ disappeared. #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  2. We probably shouldn't forget that Brad Trost also took credit for sounding #CPC alarm on Pride Parade. #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  3. How about Layton-a-go-go? RT @RosieBarton: @natnewswatch I prefer Layton-o-rama
  4. Hey maybe @rickmercer should do "Talking to Canadians" about how our country works while out on #elxn41 trail. Could be hilarious/scary.
  5. @nspector4 @BCheadle "What did you make of his remarks?" Russell: "They were just fine."
  6. @nspector4 @BCheadle Russell didn't find any misrepresentation there.
  7. What the...? Ban on social-media talk on night of May 2. No joke. #cdnpoli #elxn41
  8. Another little blog post about dumbed-down #elxn41 civics (w/links to last night's proceedings at U of T): #cdnpoli
  9. Watching @CBCTheNational Insiders. Should rename the panel. Not insider-y at all; really neat stuff. More than poll talk. #elxn41
  10. @ottawa2008 good point. Other countries also have requ'mt for Parl to be convened quickly after elxn to affirm confidence. We don't.
  11. Here I am again..atop TO! No @kady in sight. This is proof she's been de-Ottawed. #cdnpoli #elxn41
  12. Topp says the negative ads are Karl Rove-ian invention to turn people off #cdnpoli #elxn41 all together. Yay.
  13. Russell says kick all the ad executives should be kicked out of #cdnpoli because they turned politicians into products. Yay! #elxn41
  14. @dgardner Peter Russell would make a great PM, but he's not a communications expert. Which is why he'd make a great PM, I guess.
  15. Brian Topp says #elxn41 polls are stuck because everyone is sick of state of #cdnpoli. I'd agree with that.
  16. Ron Atkey recommends @SamaraCDA most recent report to also see political parties' damage to #cdnpoli culture. #elxn41
  17. You know how I know Bill Graham is right about media culture? Coalition is huge issue in #elxn41 and two reporters here at non-yelling event
  18. Bill Graham says media isn't interested in non-yelling political culture. He's right. #cdnpoli #elxn41