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  1. Having issues with Facebook email? Visit Accounts> Notifications> install this bookmarklet ; stops all the new FB emails
  2. @colbycosh hehe. All good things come in time.
  3. @vintage_voter Why thank you.
  4. @eric_greer I kid. Basics: in 12 years Young Lib -> barista/student -> Ministers intern -> staffer to Lib Min Copps -> staffer to Layton/NDP
  5. .@eric_greer only superhero's get "origin stories", they find us political pundits under rocks.
  6. Facebook mucked around with their email settings. To fix: Account > Notifications > uncheck all those stupid boxes they helpfully rechecked
  7. @justinvl Makes a great clapper board.
  8. @justinvl You have the connector kit, yeah? And photoshop? Only good for really quick tasks.
  9. @justinvl Comparable to my feelings about iPad 1; iPad 2 is a clear mark above. But, I'm an Apple guy.
  10. @mwoodbri Bingo. Soon I think.
  11. @ivortossell Yep. I'm an Apple guy, so every now and then this little thing truly pisses me off. Size is nice. I can see an iPad mini now.
  12. @tetreaultaj No. Touch not from a photo perspective. This is a media consumption device; not one to create. Sadly.
  13. @ivortossell so far I like the hardware, hate the software. I'm no UX expert; but the gestures requires are at times, um weird. Speed A+
  14. Insta-review: Playbook has thus far impressed & depressed. Torch users will find interface familiar. Not intuitive. But, well made.
  15. @scotthpayne Thanks Scott, that means a lot. It's a honour to be asked to comment on our nations affairs. I hope I can do it differently.
  16. @notandrea Thanks! Appreciated.