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  1. Not sure why, but planned anchor Mercedes Stephenson has parted ways with Sun TV. Big loss. Great writer with exceptional military insight.
  2. So if MP Deepak Obhrai is too busy with constituents for a debate in his Calgary riding, why was he in Ottawa with Baird yesterday? Hmmm.
  3. Jim Prentice makes his private sector debut on Power Play tonight.
  4. Power Play goes on a tour of darkness to see what MPs do after their work is done. Tonight @ 5 pm.
  5. don.martin@ctv.caRT @peteromal: @dsmartin56 -- I've a terrific Jim Travers story. Where can I send it?
  6. We're devastated. If anybody has a favorite Jim Travers story, send them along and we'll post some on today's Power Play tribute to him.
  7. Sure sign of a spring election in bloom. Oh-so-nice Green Party leader Elizabeth May to release Harper attack ads on Monday.
  8. Harper to unveil citizen's arrest legislation this morning. Who wants to bet citizen cop David Chen will be at the photo op? Takers?
  9. Nothing too exciting in Flaherty newser. Just pre-emptive strike against Liberal Opposition Day motion on corporate income taxes
  10. Yup, it's true. Elliott leaving this summer.
  11. Liberal Senators can't find enough attack ammo to complete their daily 30-min question period. 20 mins Tues, 23 mins Wed. Good grief...
  12. Tonight's Power Play talks to Jason Kenney, Stephen Taylor and Carmi Levy about Twitter and the next election campaign.
  13. Doubt it was to spite me, as Mandryk suggests, but I'm confident the Potash takeover went from a go to a no 48 hrs before the announcement
  14. Hey! I'm still here! Herald-Post have granted me a reprieve from leaving until my notice period expires. Yippee. More columns to write.
  15. Ok, so I'm the Post Play host....
  16. I have resigned as columnist for National Post-Calgary Herald effective mid Dec, but they're kicking me out now so apologize for mass email
  17. Fed govt about to kill its funding for Edmonton's 2017 Expo bid. Say good-bye to the Quebec City hockey arena as well.
  18. Don Martin has a grandson! Eric John born today at 6:40 p.m. in Edmonton at 7 lbs, 1 oz. Mom and son doing great. Grandpa over the moon.
  19. Life after GG is a bed of....big bucks. Friend quoted $25,000 + first-class airfare for Michaelle Jean to speak to a Rotary convention.
  20. The John Ivison Scotch Broth sold out at the World Exchange soup joint this week. Must've been the secret ingredient - haggis.