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  1. @leftonlougheed @OntPoli When have the NDP ever lent Liberals their vote? Such sweeping statements need proof. #cdnpoli #elxn41
  2. RT @Halibutron: R @davidakin: Bad govts are elected by good citizens not #voting #CDNpoli #elxn41 via @hinapansari
  3. MT @RestoreCanada Harper has been lying for years. See Ed Broadbent speaking out 2008 #cdnpoli #elxn41
  4. RT @SusanFelicity: @Falsum @Tymlee Who is playing into Harper's hand?|| Exactly! I suggest all NDP vote Liberal. :-)
  5. @Falsum I will vote Liberal regardless - I support their platform and their numbers make sense to me. NDP #'s don't.
  6. RT @jarfri @acoyne @Tymlee he is actuallysocialist|| I know, which is why I find that sort of journalism surprising. NDP using Tory tactics
  7. Why is so much of our time being spent discussing poll numbers instead of platform analysis?Our democracy deserves better. #cdnpoli #elxn41
  8. RT @ezralevant: Tonight I endorsed Stephane Dion for Liberal leader: #cdnpoli #elxn41|| **Yawn**
  9. RT @Ken_Donnelly I know this is shocking but now confirmed that Harper has been lying about F-35 cost #cdnpoli #elxn41
  10. @GardeningDame Do you have a link for the new #cpc ad? I haven't seen it.
  11. @Tim_Ell Ahhh ... thanks! Well, thanks for the info but I can't really say I'm thankful for the #'s, though I'm always skeptical of polls.
  12. @acoyne You and National Post engaging in a Hail Mary, American motivated Swift-boating effort? Puh-lease. Desperation? #cdnpoli #elxn41
  13. MT @SusanDelacourt: #CPC strategists to @RobertFife: hope royal wedding eclipses #elxn41. I'm old enough to re… (cont)