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  1. Tory attack ad not based in fact: #NDP #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  2. #NDP is calling for latest Tory attack ads to be pulled. @pauldewar says they are completely false. #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  3. Inside @PaulDewar's constituency office, which is buzzing with people on a holiday. #elxn41
  4. En route to press conference with @PaulDewar. He will be responding to latest Tory attack ads on #NDP. #elxn41
  5. New #NDP ad can be found here: #elxn41
  6. In new ads, @jacklayton tells voters "you do have a choice". #elxn41
  7. #NDP unrolls new TV ads to bank on surge of support. In the ads, @jacklayton says "you know where I stand, you know I'm a fighter." #elxn41
  8. 'Skank TV' tag has Chow baring arms - an article from @MarkDunnSun. #elxn41 #NDP
  9. @Ignatieff_M says 10 days is enough to slow the #NDP surge reflected in polls. #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  10. Move over Gilles, Jack's leading in Quebec #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  11. @MikeHaggett It is very interesting - the polls on QC are very big news today.
  12. MPs who miss half the votes in a given year should pay $1000, according to the #NDP. #elxn41
  13. MPs who are MIA should pay, according to @jacklayton. #elxn41
  14. @jacklayton reads headlines on @SunNewsNetwork. He has a strong read!
  15. @MikeHaggett Political observers and pollsters did not say he was the winner but say he had a very strong performance.
  16. @jacklayton on @SunNewsNetwork: "We still have work to do." New poll numbers put the #NDP in front in #Quebec. #elxn41
  17. RT @davidakin: CROP POLL MONTREAL ONLY: #NDP 40 #BQ 28 #LPC 17 #CPC 12 No sample or MoE provided here #elxn41
  18. RT @davidakin: New POLL CROP QUEBEC: #NDP 36 #BQ 31 #CPC 17 #LPC 13 Apr 13-21 1,000 sample No MoE provided by pollster #elxn41
  19. Snap from hit with @davidakin on the Daily Brief.
  20. @RalphGoodale says in politics, 12 days is a "very" long time. #elxn41