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  1. @SteveRCurran a touch busy, but it's a priviledge to be part of such historic events. Royal wedding weren't half bad either :P
  2. @SteveRCurran Attaboy. btw, trying to work this into the OBL story. I imagine he responded 'just coming' when the Navy SEALs called on him.
  3. @SteveRCurran dude, you ARE Stephen, ergo you can do whatever the hell you want. Do you not understand the awesome power?.... scaredycat!
  4. @SteveRCurran shout "STEPHEN!" at him!
  5. @fraygulrock cos I'm unusually cruel and unkind
  6. @fraygulrock can he play ice hockey? (Yeah I said it...... ICE hockey!)
  7. @fraygulrock i can think of a fmr US president who mastered that very look....... eh?!
  8. @fraygulrock wow you're so tired, the old Jetsons/Simpsons switcheroo went straight over your head!
  9. @fraygulrock yep. Wayne Newton was in The Simpsons.
  10. @fraygulrock no that's me being cryptic and trying to confuse your real existence with that of the Jetsons.
  11. @fraygulrock good, you picked up on my Canadian irony. Re Jetsons: you don't have a flying bubble car? Wow you NEED a new government!
  12. Watch syndicated 90s sitcom reruns. Or think about your country's political landscape. (RT @fraygulrock: urrrgh can't sleep.)
  13. @RosJordanAJE Urkel reruns, huh?
  14. @RosJordanAJE I'm up Ros but not on-air today. Reshuffles galore! You going through the night?
  15. Can't help but think the headlines could easily have read "U.S. Forces Kill Old Man in Pakistan". Will Bin Laden's death change anything?
  16. Big day. Need sleep.
  17. You love it really..... (RT @IfeFatunase: Still going on about wedding? RT @newsfromdani: Bless you)
  18. Not right now, this is recorded, But yes, I do live-tweet on-air (RT @hkubra: you are actually tweeting in the middle of live broadcast?)
  19. Inside Story Edition One... back on-air again! You'll be sick of the sight of me before too long :P