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  1. advice to Buffalo Sabres is go back to shooting from behind the net these shots from front aren't working. #nhl #sabres #notelxn41
  2. @acoyne One important step would be to lighten up on party discipline & make Question Period more meaningful. #elxn41 #democracy
  3. Relatives from 905 visiting for Easter weekend. View from the ground is Liberal incumbents in trouble to Tories benefit. #elxn41
  4. Just finished watching The Kennedy's. Very well made & makes one long for a two party state where word "coalition" doesn't exist. #elxn41
  5. Coincidentally had handful of "normal" (read: not junkies) people say - I've had enough of this campaign can't we move up the vote? #elxn41
  6. Sure hope election night is as close - scratch that - and exciting as 3rd period of Montreal/Boston game. #elxn41 #nhl
  7. @davidakin All the best with your new show. Please confirm for all concerned that you will never appear as sunshine boy:-).
  8. Lots of room for improvement. "@natnewswatch: Former MPs say life on the Hill no party #cdnpoli #elxn41"
  9. Follow pundits debate & tweets with Global National @decisioncanada #elxn41
  10. Duceppe desperate. #elxn41 not going well for BQ will lose seats. Marois gets #93% approval rating so he can't go to PQ - thus stir the pot
  11. @jkoblovsky More power to all those young or not who get involved and cast their ballot.
  12. @jkoblovsky So what are you saying? What would you propose for reform/change? That's the beauty of democracy we all have a say. #elxn41
  13. @jkoblovsky Don't know am not a Liberal that's a choice for them to make:-) I believe in wisdom of Canadian electorate. #smartvoters #elxn41
  14. @jkoblovsky A strong stable national government with representation from all regions with next election 4 yrs out! #getbacktowork #elxn41
  15. @whip4life @penottawa The final outcome will determine if this election was necessary. We need stable government to stop cycle. #elxn41
  16. Can't u you all just get along?:-) MT @whip4life: Globaltvnews watch Joy of NDP vs Copps of Libs & never-ending coalition bickering. #elxn41
  17. @joymacphail Despite speculation that it may come down to BC -it could be over in ON. It's all about getting out vote. Tories strong at that