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  1. I'm on the Harper bus. First stop a seniors home.
  2. I just set my PVR for Ezra's show. #elxn41 Now I have three at that hour.
  3. @shipsure my friend is the sharpest lady I know, she doesn't take instructions from anyone.
  4. My friend, a senior, had Elxn Can show up at her door today with a ballot. Amazing. Why cancel special campus polls? #elxn41
  5. Looking forward to Jack Layton on the National. Does he have the mo? #elxn41
  6. Just yesterday SUN TV's studios was full of dry wall, today it is full of sillicone.
  7. About to go on stage at Daffodil Ball for Can Cancer Society in Vancouver. Big room.
  8. All scheduled special ballots at universities across Canada cancelled. Elections Canada deems them too popular. #elxn41
  9. McGill University Vote Mob - V cool video. #elxn41
  10. While on the subject, has @ladygaga licenced Born This Way to the Harper campaign? #elxn41
  11. Oh my stealing from poor retired hockey players. Lennon I get but hockey players? #elxn41
  12. If i was a federal leader I would come with my own translator. #db8
  13. Am i having a stroke or can i not understand the sound mix #db8
  14. John Baird does not like vote mobs. "sounds disconcerting" #cdnpoli #elxn41
  15. Huge ratings for English debates. Need more. Not debating is hiding from the voters. #elxn41
  16. Couch, Power and Politics, snacks, good times.
  17. Raptors tip off at 8:00 pm @ ACC - so far no talk of moving it to accomidate French language debate. #elxn41