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  1. Good (on a Friday or otherwise): the fait accompli chocolate chip cookies that rounded out our dinner at the always-pleasing Delux.
  2. Charlie Rose on Paul Allen: "His hobbies include spaceships, rock & roll, and yachts." Yet he remains sadly wife-less.
  3. The latest Ponzi scheme? A party that's in the works for the North American May 10 preem here of Chasing Madoff.
  4. A play with Jack Tripper-y cadences, phones with cords, and poli- hot potatoes: opening night, Woody Harrelson's play at Hart House.
  5. RT @businessinsider We're Pretty Sure Adam Rapoport Is The Coolest Editor In NYC
  6. Bonfire, vanities. RT @FashionCanada Our recap + party snaps via Lewis Mirrett from last night's @TheHudsonsBayCo fête!
  7. FINALLY: face furniture by "Canada's first supermodel," Monika Schnarre! April 27th. Spoke Club. The when/where for her eyewear launch.
  8. Devil-may-care'd at Saving Grace, on Dundas. The out-to-lunch crowd: right up Hank Moody's alley! One precocious hot thing after another.
  9. Got slightly turned on when I heard Diane Lane utter the word 'schadenfreude' on The View just now.
  10. The enemy of my enemy is a friend: a proverb that pinged watching the shifting social-circuit alliances last night on the Amber dance floor.
  11. Everything Tina Fey knows about acting she learned from a young Rachel McAdams, in Toronto, on set of Mean Girls:
  12. And the Anna Dello Russo show moves to Amber, where the scene is anything but Zen.'It's like the Matrix here,' says a sweating Stacey Kimel.
  13. Oh, the dancing blogosphere.