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  1. Why is it that men are the ones who get to control women's right to choose?! #cdnpoli #elxn41
  2. @nicolesale Is she wearing a plastic crown? If so, I've seen her before...
  3. Gah! Make it stop!! #noisepollution #ottawa
  4. The constant loud buzzing sound that's been going ALL day outside the Rideau Centre is driving me insane! #headache #sanityslowlyseepingaway
  5. RT @macleansmag: CANADA: No need for a scholarship: The promise of free tuition attracting Canadian students to Germany
  6. "Election 2011, a dark fiction" by Margaret Atwood via @globeandmail #elx41 #cdnpoli
  7. LOL! RT @prog_blog: #cdnpoli TEN COMPELLING REASONS TO VOTE FOR STEPHEN HARPER (James Laxer's Blog) #cdnprog
  8. LOL! RT @laura_payton: I really wish Bruno Mars would stop making music. Stay in your bed all day and don't do anything forever please.
  9. Watching @jamieoliver #FoodRevolution. I'm shocked! Looks like that school board is in bed with fast food mega chains! Disgusting.
  10. Feminism and Fashion: the (other) two solitudes via @globeandmail #slutwalk
  11. @oglerock Hey! Thanks for suggesting me in your #FF last Friday :) I hope you had a good weekend.
  12. Stephen Harper's five-question limit #newPMwanted
  13. The Virginity Monologues "I never "lost" my virginity... I know exactly what I did with it."
  14. RT @bonjouralberta: Bourses pour étudiants francos en communication, journalisme, arts graphiques
  15. I wish I was going to be in town for this: La La La Human Steps at the NAC #dance
  16. RT @guannaco: Anti-Harper website attracts two million hits #CanNews #shitharperdid
  17. @jason_faber Great! I'm meeting with a few of them tonight and I'll let them know. I'll send u my email via DM.
  18. @jbreen09 Oops!! LOL! :P
  19. @jason_faber Sweet.