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  1. @laughwithjenn Does it frustrate you? if so, I believe that qualifies.
  2. Spent tonight w/ the fabulous @mmmcgu & @ecossemorris to see @sharada3 do a reading from an essay she wrote w/ @susandelacourt. Gr8 work.
  3. @smallmighty Way to go! That's fast!
  4. Colleague is looking to interview someone w/ long commute into #Ottawa's downtown. Tweet me if you're intrstd. Would be on-camera. #YOW
  5. Really intense today. RT @rosiebarton: Here's @evansolomoncbc and the War Room: #cv11 #cdnpoli
  6. This is my favourite thing of the day! RT @alisoncrawford5: Love this "Vintage Voter" site #cv11
  7. RT @rosiebarton: Mansbridge invu with Iggy on CBCNN at 1500est LIVE. Also on @CBCTheNational tonight. . Harper invu TBA. #cv11
  8. In Ottawa too RT @notsteveharper: Wasn't there a slut walk in Toronto for the right to dress as you please? @SlutWalkTO
  9. @mcmerda Thanks :) I appreciate that a lot.
  10. Srsly ppl. Akin's right. MT @davidakin: Pick on ppl 4 their ideas, pick on them 4 their journalism - but u laugh @ women for what they wear?
  11. I'm seriously looking forward to Alexandra Gunn's fashion segments on Sun News. Girl knows her stuff - has fabulous style.
  12. @2391212 You mean this one?
  13. @punditsguide @journo_dale Do y'all know the logistics of getting a sat truck to remote locations? La Ronge is 4.5 hrs North of Saskatoon
  14. Love! #cv11 RT @cbccommunity: Some #elxn41 fun: #deadpmrapbattle mixes Canadian political history and rhymes: ^kw
  15. RT @althiaraj: Maclean's is has also issued a correction re: the Harper quote. #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  16. @bigpicguy Why would you have to prove something someone admits?
  17. So, how do you prove a quote doesn't exist? My reality check on the Liberal health care ad and what Harper didn't say
  18. RT @wicary: The countdown is on. #Bruno is keeping an open mind about @SunNewsNetwork.
  19. @benwedge @kady Harder for me than it is for them. They're the ones referencing it - I was trying to find it.
  20. MT @rosiebarton: P&P podcast! Liberal healthcare ad and the politics of sovereignty. Tune in here: #elxn41