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  1. Having a really hard time staying awake in class. Not good considering I'm about to present...
  2. @AlisonMoff13 ow now brown cow
  3. I'm so tired I feel like a walking zombie. Two more classes and two more practices left for the day..#constantlygrinding
  4. @karastran I'm sorry. Did I ever tell you I went to the spelling nationals in 6th grade? Nbd.
  5. @dmillertime3 what can I say? I'm legendary ;)
  6. @karastran I just don't understand how you and Moffit don't know how to spell simple words like "ridiculous" and "scholar". #grammarfreak
  7. That's what's up :) I love y'all!!
  8. Two more followers and I'll be at 16,000 who are they gonna be?? :)
  9. My goggles were leaking so bad during this morning's practice I seriously can hardly see anything. Today will be interesting.. #blinded
  10. @AlisonMoff13 senior schalor banquet? Yikes. Senior "schOlar" banquet. Meet you at McDonalds around 7?
  11. Two hour practice this morning..what a great way to start the day -_-
  12. Nothing I enjoy more than laying on the couch & watching Fantastic Mr. Fox on HBO. #relaxing
  13. Great swim banquet :) loveeee my teammates
  14. @speezy can say that again
  15. @AlisonMoff13 Hey remember that one time we saw each other at the Towers?
  16. Need a power nap if I'm going to make it through the rest of the day
  17. @madilandi you should see what my dance moves get me..
  18. Dead. Tired.
  19. Everybody get at it @T_Relly24
  20. And it's out for the night :) see you there