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  1. Great CBC Reality Check on How Parliament works! Thanks @1ltlCDN RT Please Share This Truth! #elxn41
  2. "We live in a Parliamentary democracy, not a Prime Ministerial democracy..." - Peter Russell | Think about that @pmharper #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  3. Stephen Harper vs. Jack Layton now happening on Facebook! | SH: 52101 Likes | JL: 51962 Likes | Layton down by 139 Likes #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  4. @somecanuckchick Of course these numbers even if accurate is not how seats are won :P
  5. @somecanuckchick Working on it. Based on what I have so far I am convinced social media is better than any nanos, ekos poll
  6. @somecanuckchick If you track when stories/scandals occurred, look at the numbers for that day, it makes sense and adds a lot of context
  7. @somecanuckchick All percentages are correct though. The trend is interesting too.
  8. @somecanuckchick Did you see this? ... The total "likes" is actually double what I have there
  9. @somecanuckchick Top 3 | #LPC : 34.2% : 63733 | #CPC : 27.9% : 52099 | #NDP : 27.9% : 51944 |
  10. @somecanuckchick leader pages. Pretty shocking actually, I didn't think Jack had a chance.
  11. CPC only has 157 more likes than NDP on facebook.| #CPC : 27.9% : 52099 | #NDP : 27.9% : 51943 #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  12. Happening right now! NDP and CPC are neck in neck on Facebook. | #CPC : 27.9% : 52095 | #NDP : 27.8% : 51906 | #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  13. Facebook Likes | #LPC : 34.2% - 63724 | #CPC : 27.9% - 52089 | #NDP : 27.8% - 51894 | #GPC : 5.58% - 10397 | #BQ : 4.28% - 7971 | #elxn41
  14. CPC social numbers fall below 28% | #LPC : 34.2% | #CPC : 27.9% | #NDP : 27.8% | #GPC : 5.58% | #BQ : 4.28% #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  15. CPC Brad Trost is a test balloon attack on women's rights. Why else would Harper not cage this guy? #elxn41 #cdnpol
  16. Just watched CPAC F35 special. New F18 Super Hornet a solid option as well. In production now. $55 Million/Jet. #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  17. @IPLF_rightnow On sites like Facebook
  18. @rdancey93 Online yes, take a look at this
  19. NDP social numbers still surging | #LPC : 34.2% | #CPC : 28.0% | #NDP : 27.8% | #GPC : 5.60% | #BQ : 4.28% #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  20. CPAC has a Excellent special on F35 on right now. #elxn41 #cdnpoli