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  1. Can this become the largest turn out for an election in Canadian history? Lets try! Get out and vote! #elxn41 #lpc What kind of Canada?
  2. Check this video out -- Michael Ignatieff's Town Hall for Canada - Teaser via @youtube #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  3. Check this video out -- Canada says Sorry to America via @youtube A must see! Vote George Harper! #elxn41 #canpoli #lpc
  4. @legaltruenorth @GrantRants fixing the CON deficit takes time!
  5. Vote CON support Rural Canada with Prisons! We need the jobs! Prisons for Rural Canada vote a con in today!! CONS for Canda #elxn41 #canpoli
  6. @Crockatteer Yes cost is on Oil Companies, Banks and Corporations instead of the working people. #elxn41 #cdnpoli.
  7. @reganreid2 Same thing if the CONS win, maybe king? #elxn41 #canpoli