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  1. @davewjanzen @kylefox Thank you both for participating!
  2. We did it! We've just passed $10,000 in donations as a result of all of your participation. Thank you to everyone who checked in for a cure!
  3. We're within $100 of reaching our goal. You could be the one to push it over $10,000! cc: @cancersociety
  4. Less than $1,000 to go! #Charity #Canada cc: @cancersociety
  5. Wow! We've passed $7,000 and rising fast! #charity #Canada #CheckinforaCure
  6. @kmandow Thank you for participating! Yo Gabba Gabba!
  7. @petermansbridg Have you checked in to raise funds for the Canadian Cancer Society?
  8. @VancouverSun Raise holiday cheer (and dough) for the Canadian Cancer Society by checking in on @foursquare or
  9. @acoyne Hi Andrew! We don't have any check-ins from Tehran yet—want to be our first? #Charity #Canada
  10. @GreatDismal Spare a nano-second to raise $5 for the Canadian Cancer Society?
  11. Wow! We passed $5,000 overnight and are well on our way to 6. Keep up the great work everyone! #Canada #Charity
  12. @tylerneilson Wow! You guys raised $45 today at that venue alone. Keep up the awesome work!
  13. @CommunityGurus Thanks for the tweet!
  14. @DaveWJanzen you're very welcome. There's no limit to the # of times that you can check-in, so you can contribute as often as you like :)
  15. Seems like all of Vancouver is @ #YVRcares. Have fun and check-in to nearby #CheckinforaCure 4sq venues to raise $5 each for @CancerSociety
  16. @pmharper Take a break from running #Canada to raise a holiday donation for the Canadian Cancer Society:
  17. @SteveNash Have you checked in for a cure? Every interaction raises funds for the Canadian Cancer Society:
  18. @danaykroyd Dear Dan, take a break from busting ghosts and check-in at to raise $ for the Cdn Cancer Society