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  1. Is your company (or are your clients) guilty of Defensive Branding?
  2. @mikekasprow been up since 3:40 am. Playing the role of the thinking traveller this am.
  3. @TheBeanCast those are my favorite ones.
  4. I spend my days wandering the streets aimlessly with a painful hunger as I wait impatiently for ideas to find me.
  5. RT @jasonfalls: Working on my material for the @chrisbrogan roast on May 11 in Chicago. What rhymes with syphilis? Heh ["Julien Smith"? ;)]
  6. @barbarasedun @davidusher in and out of town that week. Let me know when you lock in your dates.
  7. @shelisrael I'm always good for a business book endorsement... you know where to find me to get one :)
  8. .@shelisrael - LOL. Best. Tweet response. Ever.
  9. Those are some nice/impressive numbers, Apple. Well done: (cc: @shelisrael) #drinkbet
  10. RT @kevinbehringer: @mitchjoel is one of the smartest guys in marketing. Watch this (and parts 2,3,4) [thanks!]
  11. RT @rdothinch: Worth a 2nd listen. @mitchjoel's keynote at #social2011. This was my favorite keynote of the conference:
  12. @chrissylvester LOL - I wish I knew what you were talking about... help me out here.
  13. @stevecunningham I read Do The Work and thought it was one of the best books I've read in a long while (no joke).
  14. Yay! 2nd book via Seth Godin's Domino Project is out now: Do The Work by Steven Pressfield. It's free + awesome:
  15. Are you struggling with your content?
  16. RT @julien: today's #blogreview is @davedelaney -- check out + send him a comment about his site! [great idea!]
  17. If you follow me here, will you please subscribe to my Blog:
  18. @cepac thanks... I do appreciate that :)
  19. Every time I have lunch with @julien I become smarter and sharper. Thanks, old friend.
  20. The drug of "next"... and what this means to your business: