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  1. @Ben_from_Queens The projection doesn't look to the future, it is always "if an election were held today".
  2. @Ben_from_Queens It changes as new data pours in. As the new data is different from the old data, that means changes.
  3. @RunnertheFirst It's an average of all polls with data for each individual day. Not based on release day, based on field dates.
  4. @RunnertheFirst That isn't what it necessarily means. Look at it over the past few days, not just Apr 27, which is only the Nanos poll.
  5. @RunnertheFirst And explained. Take it up with my spreadsheet if you have any other problems.
  6. @RunnertheFirst It is mine, my site is listed on it. Also forget to add that "The Others" isn't included, so responsible for a point or two.
  7. @67Capt_Canuck Undecideds aren't factored in to the equation.
  8. @RunnertheFirst Do you mean for April 27 only? Greens down, and the numbers are rounded so that's a factor as well.
  9. @LeightonTebay Or, I should say, only Nanos has released data covering April 27.
  10. @LeightonTebay Only Nanos was polling on April 27, so that's where the 37% comes from (36.6% rounded up).
  11. @RunnertheFirst Everyone. CPC down, LPC down, BQ down, GPC down, with small day-to-day variations.
  12. @nepeancarleton Variations of the same question, but not the word-for-word same question.
  13. @CanPoliticalGuy More of a factor of which polling firms were in the field, actually.
  14. If the NDP is going to plateau, it hasn't happened yet:
  15. [poll summary]: Conservatives struggling in Quebec (details of 5 riding polls). #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  16. @VeritasKnight No, that would spoil it.
  17. Of course, I'm kidding on that last tweet. Vote with your heart!
  18. In each of the 308 ridings, I endorse the person I am currently projecting to win in order to skew the results in my favour. Principled!
  19. @fimbriate Are you magnifying them to actual size? I'm having no trouble and no one else has commented.