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  1. Happy bday hadar...
  2. @Hadar_Pea happy birthday to hadar :)
  3. @5ourFlower and happy birthday to you too...
  4. Who's birthday is it today??? And who got all dressed up with a fly blue suit???
  5. @Tashii091 tell your grandpa I said happy birthday...
  6. @Davidih_ no... my mothers son...
  7. To all persians: "happy persian new year"
  8. @EvaLongoria happy and eva have the same bday same year 1 hour apart...(Kinda like twins)
  9. I was a hyper kid...I started walking at 6months old...
  10. I don't party on birthdays...I work just like I did coming into this world..I was faster than all the other sperm I swam against..."I won"
  11. At 12:30am march 15th I was born...I weighed 5pounds mom said it was a easy birth (30minutes)...I didn't want to waste time
  12. Me and my spaceship
  13. @katybrownn123 tell your mom...(Thanks you for raising you the way she did)...I tell my mom that everyday...
  14. @Tyrese dope...see I know how to spot talent :)
  15. @Tyrese you need to write a book...(I like reading your tweets)
  16. 2new is in japan too..."wow"...I'm really worried...I can't sleep...
  17. I'm worried about my friends from smap smap, verbal, kage son, and all my friends I care about . I can't reach any of them in japan
  18. Pray for japan...
  19. Just flew 18hrs from carnival in salvador brazil to intel santa clara to get my official intel badge