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  1. Prefer farmland and wild forests to urban sprawl? Come to Sprawlapalooza this Saturday! #yyj
  2. RT @oliveridley: Shout it from roof tops :) B.C. residents consider #salmon a cultural touchstone, survey finds
  3. Ipolitics poll shows #NDP surging ahead of the Liberals. #elxn41
  4. @emmacaroline_ we are tied for klout.....mwahaha and you are not following me!
  5. @davidcusack It was a challenge! They were definitely surprised to see us!
  6. How to make old annoucements new? Reannounce while painting easter eggs. New arts tax credit same as in old budget. #cpc #elxn41
  7. Waiting for Harper to drive by in his motorcade past our awesome signs: We are voting for Democractic Reform etc. #yyj #elxn41 #youthvote
  8. PM Harper is on an easter egg hunt, and announcing art tax credits for kids. A national childcare program would probs help kids. #elxn41
  9. Standing with a crowd of young people outside a Harper event. Hard to find, but we are to stay. Signs and solidarity! #yyj
  10. Good morning to @pmharper: Youth waiting to talk to you about our issues! #yyj #elxn41 #cpc
  11. VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE....Seriously all the cool kids are doing it. #yyj #youthvote #elxn41
  12. @adammacisaac oh you. brownie points #ftq
  13. @oliveridley hope to see you there?
  14. Youth are voting! Hitting up the advanced polls with #uvss shuttlemob #yyj @leadnowca
  15. Have you voted yet? Hop on the shuttlemob and we will drive you. Direct msg for deets #yyj #elxn41 #uvic
  16. Voting this weekend? Come to the Voter Social tomorrow in #yyj! (7pm at the Ledge)
  17. Don't vote alone! Bring a friend to the advanced polls! More info here from @leadnowca #elxn41
  18. Get a head start on voting! Advance polls open today at 12 all over #yyj. more info here #elxn41
  19. Omg famous! RT @etiquetteetc: @triadonaldson nelly furtado reblogged the uvic flash mob video. she knows what you look like!
  20. And a standing ovation for @elizabethmay who asks #sgi to make history and elect her as the first #green MP