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  1. Stephen Harper rally in Sydney NS airing live on #CPAC. #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  2. Vote 2011 page has updated leaders' map + more on today's pledges, tonight's riding profiles: #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  3. Tonight's new riding profiles, beginning 8:30ET/5:30PT: Miramichi, Lac-Saint-Louis, and London West. #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  4. Here's Scott Taylor's new F-35 documentary: #cdnpoli #elxn41
  5. LIVE NOW : Mark Sutcliffe takes calls, tweets & emails on #elxn41 with guests @LizT1 and @dgardner #cdnpoli
  6. Jack Layton speaking live on NDP digital policy. #cpac #cdnpoli #elxn41
  7. Last night's "In Conversation" debate w @acoyne and candidates is now online: #cdnpoli #elxn41
  8. RT @dgardner: I'll be on CPAC with Mark Sutcliffe noon to 1:30 today. It's a call-in so now's your chance to berate me in public.
  9. Michael Ignatieff taking questions live in Montreal. #cpac #cdnpoli #elxn41
  10. Stephen Harper speaking live on #CPAC from Conception Bay South, N.L. #cdnpoli #elxn41
  11. @citytravelbug Yes when times are confirmed, will be posted here: Also available as VOD later today.
  12. But first, Jack Layton speaking to reporters in Toronto. #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  13. We're live this morning w The Jeff Allan Show on 570 News (Kitchener ON). #cdnpoli #elxn41 #cpac
  14. In Conversation with Maclean's live tonight (7ET/4PT) w @acoyne @kenneyjason @peggynash_ @RHWGreen @davidmcguinty #cdnpoli #elxn41
  15. It's a two-hour event from Toronto, reps from the parties to debate economic, social, foreign policy + governnance #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  16. Taylor also talked to supporters/critics of Canada's F-35 plan and examines the disputed $ figures. #cdnpoli #elxn41
  17. Taylor met test pilots during exclusive tours of Lockheed Martin + Boeing plants in US, saw new F-35 up close. #cdnpoli #elxn41
  18. F-35 and the Politics of Procurement: new Scott Taylor doc airs tonight (6 and 9et): #cdnpoli #elxn41
  19. New Video of Stephen Harper from earlier today: #cdnpoli
  20. Jack Layton in Stoney Point ON from this morning, scrum showing now on #CPAC. #cdnpoli #elxn41