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  1. @schoeny Thanks!
  2. @edteck Not yet ... but stay tuned
  3. @mhawksey Thanks for the feedback, we'll look into that
  4. @kskobac They do refresh when the page is reloaded, but not yet live (that is something we plan in the future)
  5. @msgracefh This was due to the Amazon EC2 outage affecting out link shortener provider. Please try again now!
  6. @dannyobyrne This was due to the Amazon EC2 outage affecting out link shortener provider. Please try again now!
  7. @mhawksey This was due to the Amazon EC2 outage affecting out link shortener provider. Please try again now!
  8. @aboutfoursquare This was due to the Amazon EC2 outage affecting out link shortener provider. Please try again now!
  9. @helisocorman This was due to the Amazon EC2 outage affecting out link shortener provider. Please try again now!
  10. @malotki This was due to the Amazon EC2 outage affecting out link shortener provider. Please try again now!
  11. @JenerationY This was due to the Amazon EC2 outage affecting out link shortener provider. Please try again now!
  12. @jamesmichie This was due to the Amazon EC2 outage affecting out link shortener provider. Please try again now!
  13. @luvelizabethany This was due to the Amazon EC2 outage affecting out link shortener provider. Please try again now!
  14. @DCntrc This was due to the Amazon EC2 outage affecting out link shortener provider. Please try again now!
  15. Publishing is working now! (We've bypassed the link shortener that had problems due to the Amazon EC2 outage)
  16. We are experiencing publishing issues due to the Amazon EC2 outage that took down our link shortener. Please bear with us!
  17. @jamesmichie we are looking into the issue. What is the URL of your Story? ^XD
  18. @luvelizabethany we are looking into it. What is the URL of your Story? ^XD
  19. @dannyobyrne Can you please let us know the exact issue you're having so we can help?