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  1. RT @richardmadan: Photo a bit dark; but someone just gave Layton a bottle of Orange Crush. #elxn41
  2. RT @rogersmithctv: MI, in Mtl: govts needs...people who know how to say yes and no "Jack Layton. has never said no in his life." #elxn41
  3. RT @richardmadan: First glimpse of #NDP rally in Saskatoon. Its huge. 1000's outside; haven't gone in.. #elxn41
  4. RT @wikileaks: WikiLeaks Canada: Afghan detainee torture will take "a... toll on [Harper's] popularity" #elxn41
  5. RT @robertfife: Ekos' pollster Frank Graves has new seat projection showing Tory minority. #elxn41
  6. Another day, another Layton breakthrough as he passes Harper as best leader for first time in CTV Nanos poss #elxn41
  7. RT @robertfife: Ekos poll: 34.8 % tories, 27.5 NDP and 22.3 for Libs. #elxn41
  8. RT @richardmadan: Layton says oil companies may be in "collusion" and is open to regulating gas prices. #elxn41
  9. Ignatieff critical of NDP Que candidate spending campaign in Las Vegas who apparently could not conduct a radio interview in french #elxn41
  10. Ignatieff live on NC: not worried that royal wedding will distract Canadians from #elxn41 #ctvelxn
  11. Globe and Mail readers apoplectic with rage over Harper endorsement #elxn41
  12. What to watch out for today as the campaign enters the last 100 hours #elxn41 #ctvelxn
  13. Follow my stories on @Storify
  14. NDP breaks 30% for first time in this morning's CTV Nanos poll - into "unchartered territory", only six points behind Tories#elxn41 #ctvelxn
  15. @hydroqueen fyi you never did me the courtesy of responding after I asked you to defend your claim my blogs had a pro-Harper bias
  16. @sarix1 @Colvinius oh that's just great - another threat to my pension :)
  17. @luvtosmock we're all inbred somewhere but not directly
  18. @hydroqueen sorry don't mean to spam. Nat News and News Channel have different followers. Sometimes repetition if you folo both
  19. @hydroqueen
  20. Chretien comes to Ignatieff's aid #elxn41 #ctvelxn