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  1. 2nd Coming of Christ by Social Media? Watch#ThisWeek on Sunday to see my intv w/ the Rev Franklin Graham.
  2. How does the Rev. Franklin Graham feel about Sarah Palin & Donald Trump? See what he told me in my #ThisWeek intv:
  3. Sunday on #ThisWeek: the Rev Franklin Graham, Pastor Tim Keller & the Rev Al Sharpton. A special Easter edition of TW.
  4. Co-dir of “Restrepo” Tim Hetherington & photog Chris Hondros killed by mortar in #Libya. Awful reminder of danger many journalists face.
  5. State Dept confirms to ABC News that US will give $25m to Libyan opposition. UK will send military trainers & advisers to #Libya.
  6. Today on #ThisWeek I spoke with four members of Congress supported by the #TeaParty. Read about it here:
  7. Treasury Sec Timothy Geithner tells me on #ThisWeek that Congress will raise the #debt ceiling. Read more here:
  8. Be sure to tune in to #ThisWeek. My guests are Treasury Sec Timothy Geithner and Tea Party members of Congress.
  9. 2 yrs ago today, the #TeaParty was founded. What do you see as their biggest impact? More w/ Tea Party Reps Sunday on #ThisWeek.
  10. Sunday on #This Week: Treasury Sec Tim Geithner, discussion w/ members of the Tea Party Congress, plus the roundtable.
  11. Reports of security forces using violence and tear gas against tens of thousands of protestors in #Syria.
  12. RT @gstephanopoulos: Obama exclusive: Concedes Senate vote against raising the debt limit was "political."
  13. After mtg w/ Fiscal Comm co-chairs, Obama said it's time to “start moving rapidly to get some of these major issues resolved.” #budgetbattle
  14. Rising anger in #Iran over gas prices. Families unable to pay for fuel. Are anti-government protests next?
  15. US tried to entice former #Ivorycoast president Laurent Gbagbo to resign with the prospect of BU professorship.
  16. Someone once told me, if you fall off your horse don't cry, get right back on. I did, I was 5. #bestadvice
  17. If you fall off your horse, don't cry; get right back on. I did. Read THE BEST ADVICE I EVER GOT: #bestadvice
  18. Watch my intv w/ the Prime Minister of Qatar: What do you think about what he said? #MiddleEast
  19. White House Advisor: Obama Supports Atty Gen’l on KSM Decision #GITMO
  20. David Plouffe: Some Cuts We Agreed to Were 'Draconian'