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  1. Listen: I'm totally on board with the identity politics thing, but eating brains really is an essential characteristic of zombies.
  2. Someone stole our sofa. This shit is on.
  3. @benjyw You appear to be under the mistaken impression that we care about the meanings of individual words. :(
  4. @bbedit Inconsolata 13, like god intended.
  5. "We shouldn't call it 'monkeys.'" - @raffi
  6. I'm finding Priority Inbox more useful for its sections feature than its importance flags. I only need Action Required and Everything Else.
  7. @danwrong Totally in.
  8. We're rewriting Twitter in ABAP because it's the only thing our wiki knows how to format.
  9. "Hipsterism isn't black-and-white. It's like autism. It's a spectrum disorder."
  10. @Devon If you ever have an early morning flight out of AUS, you definitely need to get there early. Lines all the way down the concourse.
  11. And this is why I follow @takeo on @Rdio: to discover bands like TesseracT. They're coming to SF on April 8!
  12. Made a chain mail keyring in case elves fire arrows at my fingers while I'm unlocking my front door. Also, level 7 dork.
  13. @timoni I propose a corollary to Occam's razor for evaluating TechCrunch articles: the most boring possible explanation is probably true.
  14. @truebe I'm still waiting for February 71st :(
  15. @bitbckt Ow
  16. "Hey, does anybody want a [redacted] invitation?" *DEAFENING SILENCE*
  17. Ok, look. If you don't want spaces, dashes, or dots in my phone and/or credit card number, you can remove them yourself. YOU ARE A COMPUTER.
  18. @MadMelvina Oh, sorry :( You should keep me in the loop on your tweet plans. Invite me to your Google calendar or something.