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  1. I think @gruber's most valuable contents are the "Claim Chowder" posts. No one else digs up old predictions quite like he does.
  2. @n8agrin That's amazing!
  3. @k @esbie @n8agrin she definitely said "geeking out"
  4. @iamcal This is actually a "feature" of Mustache.js. Removed here: Thanks for spotting that!
  5. Sometimes writing the regression test is a much bigger challenge than fixing the bug.
  6. Protip: In Chrome dev tools, right click anywhere and "Inspect Element". Dev tools for your dev tools!
  7. @BenWard @wickman @dickc but apparently Ponhawk is an insect:
  8. Amazed by @isaach's perfect use of the word "niggles" in an email.
  9. New product idea: Cinnamon Toast Brunch. Discuss.
  10. @n8agrin Amazing! you might also try `rake test:phoenix:browser`
  11. @maggdominguez Welcome back!
  12. OH: "Where is Mt. Everest?" "Seattle! I mean... Washington!"
  13. OH: "Do you know what he does for Google Maps?" "I don't know, cartography?"
  14. Against all odds, @azoff has lived another year. Off to celebrate in the @azoff way.
  15. @stuffonfire how about, which includes underscore? /cc @ded @fat
  16. Looking forward to a late night at HQ.
  17. @bitbckt just change your schedule so you go off peak hours
  18. @dsa so you do have arm cancer!